ACES User Manual




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Revision and Approval Form

Technical report


ACES User Manual


Rev. No.

Revision History












Prepared by







Table of Contents

1       Overall structure. 4

2       General input 5

2.1          Types of field development 5

3       Wells. 6

3.1          Drilling and completion. 6

3.2          Well maintenance/intervention. 7

4       Subsea production system.. 8

5       UFR – Umbilical, flowline, riser. 9

5.1          Input parameters. 9

5.2          Diameter and thickness of pipelines. 11

6       Platform substructures. 13

7       Platform topsides. 15

7.1          Living quarters. 16

7.2          Drilling area. 16

7.3          Inlet systems. 16

7.4          Process concept 17

7.5          Other process parameters. 18

8       Tie-back projects with topside modifications. 19

8.1          General description. 19

8.2          Input definition for topside modification in tie-back projects. 21

9       Allowances and contingencies. 23

10    Removal costs. 24

11    Economy. 25

12    Units and conversion factors. 26



Figure 1 - Illustration of overall structure. 4

Figure 2 - Types of wells. 6

Figure 3 - Rig categories and classes of intervention. 7

Figure 4 -Subsea production stations – examples. 8

Figure 5 - Definition of terminology. 9

Figure 6 - Riser concepts - illustrations. 10

Figure 7 - Flowline/pipeline groups - examples. 11

Figure 8 - Illustration of direct electric heating. 12

Figure 9 - Illustration of pipe-in-pipe. 12

Figure 10 - Illustration of platform concepts. 13

Figure 11 - Functionality of platform concepts. 14

Figure 12 - Platform main functional areas. 15

Figure 13 - Inlet system A and B. 16

Figure 14 - Illustration of the full processing case with two inlet systems. 17

Figure 15 - Illustration of tie-back projects. 19

Figure 16 - Illustration of space/area challenges in modification projects. 20

Figure 17 - Tie-in of wells, flowlines/risers and export pipelines to platform topsides. 20

Figure 18 - Illustration of modification weight definition. 21

Figure 19 - Pre-fabricated manifold assembly for a tie-back project 22

Figure 20 - Allowances and contingencies. 23



Direct electric heating


Electric submersible pump




Floating production, storage and offloading unit


Mobile offshore drilling unit


Mean sea level


Norwegian kroner


Net present value


Pipeline end manifold


Pipeline end terminal


Standard cubic meter

Sm3 oe

Standard cubic meter oil equivalent


Tension leg platform


Total vertical depth



U.S. dollar





1               Overall structure

There are two options for how to use the program; the PROSPECT version and the ENGINEERING version

The data basis and the calculation methods are the same for the two versions. But the input to the analyses is quite different.


Option 1 – Prospect analyses

For prospect analyses the available design basis information is very preliminary, limited and immature. Only a few input parameters are required. Additional design basis assumptions are generated automatically based on assumptions.


Option 2 – Engineering; feasibility and concept studies

For feasibility and concept studies the design basis is more mature, and technical parameters may be available from other studies. A more detailed list of input parameters will be required.


The descriptions in the following sections relate to the Engineering version

Figure 1 - Illustration of overall structure

2               General input

The following general input is required:

·         Name of project

·         Cost reference year. All costs (USD, NOK or USD) are real costs related to this year.

·         Water depth for the field (normally the at platform location)

·         Location of field (four different alternatives)

·         Type of project, see below. A stand-alone project always includes a new platform. A tie-back project includes some platform modifications

·         Initial reservoir pressure (bar)

For specific cash flow analyses it is necessary also to specify:

·         Number of stream days per year

·         Discount rate for NPV calculations

·         Recoverable volumes for oil/condensate and gas given in specified units

·         Price and tariff or oil/condensate and gas given in specified units

2.1           Types of field development

In the illustration below it is distinguished between four types of field development.

Mobile production systems and permanent stand-alone developments are both stand-alone projects. Mobile systems are suitable for small fields with short field life.

Satellite developments are tie-back projects suitable for small to medium size fields not too far away from existing infrastructure.

Extended reach drilling can be used in special cases where new hydrocarbons are found within drilling reach from existing infrastructure with drilling facilities.

3               Wells

3.1           Drilling and completion

Up to 10 well groups can be defined. All wells in one group are identical. For a specific case with several wells it is possible to define only one well group. The well group will then represent an “average” well or “typical” well.

Figure 2 - Types of wells

The well function must be defined. There are three alternatives: Producer, water injector and gas injector.

The well type must be defined. There are three alternatives: Dry tree well, wet tree platform well and wet tree satellite well. A dry tree well and a wet tree platform well is located underneath the platform, while a wet tree satellite well is located some distance from the platform.

The drilling method must be defined. There are three alternatives: Platform rig, jack-up MODU and semisubmersible MODU.

The true vertical depth (TVD) must be defined. This is the vertical distance from mean sea level (MSL) to the bottom of the well.

The horizontal reach must be defined. This is the horizontal distance between the wellhead the bottom of the well.

The horizontal section must be defined. This is the length of the horizontal section the well.

The wells can have artificial lift. Gas lift or ESPs can be selected.

The average progress rate for drilling (m/day) must be defined.

The completion time must be defined. This is the number of days needed for completion of the well.


3.2           Well maintenance/intervention


It is distinguished between three classes of intervention: A light, B medium, C heavy. For each class of intervention it is necessary to define frequency and duration.

The frequency is the number of interventions per well per year.

The duration is the number of days needed for each intervention.


Figure 3 - Rig categories and classes of intervention



4               Subsea production system


Up to 10 different production stations can be defined. Each production station comprises one or more wells.

·         The number of X-mas trees must be defined.

·         The number of template well slots must be defined. The number of slots may be higher than the number of X-mas trees.

·         The number of single well slots must be defined. A single well may be connected to a template/manifold or directly to the production platform.

·         It has to be specified whether template wells and single wells will have a protection structure or not.

·         The pressure class for the X-mas trees must be defined. There are three alternatives: 5000 psi, 10000 psi and 15000 psi.

·         The number of multiphase flow meters associated with each production station must be defined.

·         The number of multiphase pumps associated with each production station must be defined.

·         The distance between the production station and the platform must be defined.


Figure 4 -Subsea production stations – examples


5               UFR – Umbilical, flowline, riser


Up to 10 different groups of flowlines and risers can be defined. Each group can comprise several pipeline segments, spools and risers.

Figure 5 - Definition of terminology


5.1           Input parameters

The function of each group must be defined. There are five options: Oil export, gas export, water injection, gas injection, wellstream production. A gas lift line can be considered as a gas injection line.

The type of material must be defined. There are four options: Carbon steel, clad steel, Cr steel, flexible pipe.

The surface protection must be defined. There are five options: No protection or cover, coating, insulation, insulation with direct electric heating (DEH) and pipe-in-pipe.


The installation/lay method must be defined. There are three options: S-lay, J-lay and reeling.

The amount of gravel dumping must be defined. There are four options: no gravel dumping, little, medium and high degree of gravel dumping.

The type of risers must be defined. There are four options: J-tube, supported steel riser, tensioned steel riser, flexible riser.


Figure 6 - Riser concepts - illustrations

J-tubes and supported risers are only used with fixed platforms. J-tubes are used for smaller diameters of flowlines (<16”) while supported risers can be used for large diameters.

Top-tensioned risers are used with tension leg platforms, spars and jack-ups.

Flexible risers can be used with all types of platforms.

The total length of pipeline per group must be defined. There may be several pipe segments in the group, but they all have the same characteristics.

The number of pipe segments per group must be defined.

The number of spools per group must be defined. A spool is a relatively short pre-fabricated pipe element that accommodates thermal expansions and is used for connecting different parts of the system.

The number of pipeline end terminations (PLETs) per group must be defined. 

The number of pipeline end manifolds (PLEMs) per group must be defined. 

The number of risers per group must be defined.

(The number of riser bases is determined automatically).


It has to be specified whether HIPPS (high integrity pressure protection system) is used, or not.


Figure 7 - Flowline/pipeline groups - examples


5.2           Diameter and thickness of pipelines

Diameter and thickness for each pipeline group can be given as input.

Diameter and thickness is also be proposed by the program. In that case the following input must be given:

·         Flow capacity

·         Inlet pressure

·         Pressure drop in pipeline

The flow capacity (Sm3 oe/day) can for this purpose be given as:


F = Oil + 1000 Gas + W


Where Oil is the oil flow in Sm3/d, Gas is the gas flow in mill.Sm3/d and Water is the water flow in m3/d.

If the proposed values are to be used, the selected values must be put equal to the proposed values.

Length and number of segments for umbilicals and electric power cables must be defined.

Figure 8 - Illustration of direct electric heating





Figure 9 - Illustration of pipe-in-pipe


6               Platform substructures


The type of platform substructure must be defined. There are five alternatives:

·         Fixed steel platform (jacket)

·         Tension leg platform (TLP)

·         Spar platform

·         Semisubmersible platform (Semi)

·         Buoy

·         Production ship (FPSO, floating production, storage and offloading unit)


Figure 10 - Illustration of platform concepts


The dimensions and weight of the substructure will be determined on the basis of topside weight and oil storage volume. A typical oil storage volume is 150000m3. (For Spar platforms only smaller volumes should be considered).


·         Integrated oil storage can only be specified for Spars, Buoys and FPSOs! Fixed platform, TLP and semi will have to use a leased storage tanker.

·         Dry tree wells can only be specified for Jackets and TLPs!

·         Drilling rig can not be used on FPSOs!

·         A Jacket is attached to the sea bottom by piles.

·         A TLP is attached to the sea bottom by tension legs (tethers) and piles.

·         Spars, Semis, Buoys and FPSOs are anchored by means of a chain-wire-chain system and suction anchors.



Figure 11 - Functionality of platform concepts



7               Platform topsides


The main elements of a platform are shown in the illustration below. There are five main functional areas:

·         Living quarters with helideck

·         Utility area, including power generation and water injection facilities

·         Drilling area, including derrick and mud systems

·         Wellhead area

·         Process area


Other significant pieces of equipment are flare tower, deck cranes and life boat stations. In some cases there are special support structures for modules and heavy equipment packages.


Figure 12 - Platform main functional areas





7.1           Living quarters

The number of beds must be defined. This is the basis for weight estimation.

7.2           Drilling area

It has to be specified whether a drilling package is to be included or not.

The maximum well length must be defined. The weight of the drilling package is scaled on the basis of maximum well length.

7.3           Inlet systems

The platform can have one or two inlet systems, see illustration below. System B has higher pressure than system A (or equal).


Figure 13 - Inlet system A and B


For each of the two systems the following input parameters have to be defined:

·         The oil production rate (capacity) must be defined.

·         The gas production rate (capacity) must be defined.

·         The inlet separator pressure must be defined.

·         The up-stream shut-in pressure must be defined.

·         The number of dry tree well slots must be defined.

·         The number of riser slots must be defined (riser slots related to oil/gas export are not to be included in this number).

(Guidance: suggested values for the up-stream pressure are shown)

If there is only one inlet system, no data are to be given for system B.

7.4           Process concept


The process concept case must be defined. There are five alternatives:


·         Concept 1: full processing of oil/gas/water, see illustration below

·         Concept 2: simplified process; one-stage separation only

·         Concept 3: simplified process; one-stage separation with water removal; oil and gas export in common pipeline

·         Concept 4: no processing; wellstream export

·         Concept 5: Tie-back project. The host platform is assumed to be a full processing platform with one inlet system. If the tie-back project needs a separate in-let system, two in-let systems must be specified. Existing systems are up-graded/modified.


Figure 14 - Illustration of the full processing case with two inlet systems




7.5           Other process parameters

The following parameters have to be defined:

·         Maximum liquid capacity; the maximum combination of oil/condensate and water. Guidance: (oil3/2 + water3/2)2/3 where oil is the maximum oil production and water is the maximum water production

·         Produced water treatment capacity. Guidance: about 75 percent of the oil production capacity

·         Water injection capacity. Guidance: about 150 percent of the oil production capacity

·         Gas export capacity.

·         Gas injection capacity

·         Gas lift capacity

·         Oil/condensate density (API gravity)

·         Oil/condensate stabilization (stable oil/condensate for tanker transport)

Design pressure (Guidance: suggested values are shown)

·         Oil/condensate export pressure

·         Gas export pressure

·         Gas injection pressure

·         Gas lift pressure

·         Water injection pressure

Export riser slots

·         Number of oil export riser slots

·         Number of gas export riser slots

Power generation

·         Alternative 1: main power generation and emergency power generation on platform

·         Alternative 2: main power import via cable; emergency power generation on platform

Note: Gas export compressors are always assumed to be powered by gas turbines!

Systems that may or may not be included

·         Test separator

·         MEG regeneration system (relevant for long tie-backs)

·         De-sulphatation of injection water

·         Gas sweetening (removal of CO2 and/or H2S)

·         Gas conditioning (NGL extraction)

·         Gas de-hydration (water dew-point control)

·         Fiscal metering of oil/condensate

·         Fiscal metering of gas

8               Tie-back projects with topside modifications

8.1           General description

A tie-back concept is field development concept with certain characteristics:

·         There are no manned facilities on the field – only a subsea well system or an unmanned wellhead platform

·         The well-stream is transferred to an existing platform – host platform

·         The host platform may supply water and/or gas for injection

·         The host platform may be a fixed platform or a floating platform


Figure 15 - Illustration of tie-back projects

There are several requirements to a host platform:

·         The host platform must have sufficient remaining service life

·         The host platforms must have possibilities for tie-in of flowlines and umbilicals via existing or new risers or J-tubes

·         Well control systems must be installed on the host platform

·         An acceptable tie-in solution may require a new inlet separator and metering system integrated with the existing systems

·         The host platform must have sufficient capacity in all main platform systems (process/utilities)

·         De-bottlenecking can to some degree enhance the throughput

·         Installation of parallel trains is normally not an option due to costs, and lack of space and weight carrying capacity

·         Production and injection profiles for the tie-back project are normally defined to match the available capacities on the host platform. Timing of the tie-back project is therefore essential


Installation of new equipment may be limited by lack of space and weight carrying capacity. Verification of the feasibility of potential modifications can be very complex, even for small modifications

Cost estimates have a wider range of uncertainty than estimates for new platforms. Use of 3D CAD models may be required even for feasibility studies.


Figure 16 - Illustration of space/area challenges in modification projects


New equipment associated with a tie-back project may include:

·         risers, pull-in and pigging equipment, see illustration below

·         inlet separator

·         re-compression equipment (only if the new in-let separator has a higher operating pressure than the existing inlet separator)

·         metering system related to the new inlet system

Figure 17 - Tie-in of wells, flowlines/risers and export pipelines to platform topsides

8.2           Input definition for topside modification in tie-back projects


The topside modification weights are based on differentials between two platforms; platform 1 and platform 2.


Platform 1 is the modified host platform, and platform 2 is the host platform before the modification, see illustration below.


Figure 18 - Illustration of modification weight definition


This means that the platform input must be given in such a way that the capacities reflect the design of the modified host platform.


The process concept must be set equal to: Process modification (…)


Inlet system B is dedicated to the tie-back project. The input related to system B must define the oil and gas volumes, the pressures, and the number of slots needed.



There are two options for inlet system B:


1) Minimum modification: Direct tie-in to existing inlet separator (select 1 inlet separator)


2) Medium modification: Install a new inlet separator and metering system with necessary adjustments to other systems (select 2 inlet separators)


There can be cases where larger modifications are required. This can be related to the age and functionality of the host platform. In such cases it is recommended to carry out a specific technical study including 3D CAD modelling of relevant areas of the platform. Weights can then are given as direct input for cost estimation.

Base case should be to select modification weights equal to the proposed weights.


New equipment and structures may in principle be pre-fabrication onshore and installed offshore, or built piece by piece offshore. The degree of pre-fabrication (rough estimate) must be defined.


Figure 19 - Pre-fabricated manifold assembly for a tie-back project



9               Allowances and contingencies


The following definitions are used:

Base estimate is the sum of the identified quantities and costs and an allowance.

The allowance is a quantity to be included in the weight estimates (basis for cost) to account for inaccuracies and incompleteness in the definition of equipment, components and materials.

The expected cost is the sum of the base estimate and a contingency. The expected cost is the basis for economic evaluations.

Contingency is a correction to compensate for the effects of skewed (non-symmetric) distributions for each of the components in the estimate and to cover for unspecified cost elements.

Contingency shall cover for uncertainty within the given scope, which may lead to different design* (design changes, design development, different execution method or different timing).

Reserve: If significant uncertainties in the project scope and frame conditions remain at project sanction, the management or joint venture may decide to include a project reserve.

*The reason for a design change is most often that the original solution was found unacceptable and substituted by a different and more expensive solution. Therefore design changes cause cost increases rather than decreases!


Figure 20 - Allowances and contingencies


10           Removal costs

Removal costs are calculated on the basis of estimated quantities for the field development system that is defined in the program. No special input is required.


The physical elements to be removed or secured are included in the following groups:

·         Wells (plugging and abandonment)

·         Platform topsides

·         Platform substructure

·         Mooring lines, anchors, piles

·         Risers, conductors

·         Flowlines, umbilicals and cables

·         Export pipelines

·         Subsea equipment and structures

·         Sea bottom clean-up


For each group the following cost categories are considered:

·         Management of the removal project

·         Engineering

·         De-commissioning

·         Removal operation including transportation to shore

·         Dismantling and re-circulation or disposal of materials

·         Contingency



11           Economy


Calculation of NPV and other economic indicators are performed based on the general input and data generated in the program.


For the Cost Engineering Module, Production profiles must be defined. Data is entered year by year. The annual production can be estimated by:

Daily Production x Production days per year

The number of production days/ year is defined by Stream days or Calendar days.

Oil production is set in Mill.Scm3. Gas production is set in Bill.Scm3.


For the Prospect Evaluation Module, there are two options for production profiles input: Alternative 1 and Alternative 2.

By choosing Alternative 1, the program estimates a general production profile based on the input information provided. Basis for calculation are the Recoverable volumes of Oil and Gas specified, and the average stream days per year. The program will suggest two values based on internal calculations:

·         Percentage of annual production at plateau relative to total production

·         Percentage of accumulated production at end of plateau.

These two parameters will define the generic production profile. Please note that these values can always be overwritten.


By selecting Alternative 2, the process is similar to the Cost Engineering Module, where the annual production for Oil and Gas must be defined as input.


There are two other parameters to define in the Economy tab.

·         Include / exclude Removal costs in NPV analysis

·         Lease / purchase of floating production units


12           Units and conversion factors



NOK per USD = 6,00

NOK per EUR = 8,00



1 barrel oil ≈ 159 litre

1 scm oil ≈ 6.29 barrels

1 tonne oil ≈ 1.18 scm oil

1 scm oil ≈ 0.85 tonne oil

1 scm gas = 35.315 scf gas

1000 scm gas = 1 scm o.e.

1 scm NGL = 1 scm o.e

1 scm condensate = 1 scm o.e.



1 ft = 0.3048 m

1 m = 3.2809 ft

1 in = 2.54 cm

1 km = 0.62137 miles



1 mill (M) = 1 million = 1x106

1 bill (G) = 1 billion = 1x109



1 bar = 14.5038 psi

1 psi = 0.0689 bar